Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things Successfully Achieved In Place of Writing

Today's highlighted achievements consist of the following Herculian tasks.
If I can do it, so can you!

1. Weighing myself after I pee. I measure myself before, too. That way, I feel like I won some mini-diet.

2. Taking advantage of my cat's hyper phase and chasing her like a maddened wilde beast bent on attaining the glory of knowing I am, in all the savannah, the mightiest leaper.

3. Testing out innate psychic ability on a random deck of cards. Kept tally on pyschedelic score card stickered with fairies and bedazzled under the full moon's glow.

4. Adding extra points to my score card. Shut up.

5. Gathering all the ketchup packets from fast food runs of yore. Like a Moses of Licopene, I gathered my lost tribes into neat and necessary tupperware bottoms. Lids yet to be gathered. They have no god.

What's Up with the Name??

So, as many of you may or may not know (depending on whether or not you are outside of my illustrious and highly exclusive FB circle), I have a deep and profound love for all things Jung. This, combined with my affections towards my newly adopted stomping grounds, has morphed and mated with itself to produce "Alicing La-La Land."

What is "Alicing," you ask? It's a soon to be adopted word and part of the American lexicon, dammit!

Don't question my authority!!!

I see you there. With your judgemental eyebrows.
Well, fine. If you insist on a "definition" and all that nonsense. Formalities... (I'm giving you my own eyebrows now, by the way.)

"Alicing" would be defined as "the willing participation and eager exploration of the wonderful weirdness and varied experiential qualities of the conscious, subconscious and, inevitably, unconscious (delicious) world."

Much like Alice, (the first to be seen publicly and unabashedly "alicing," and on tape, nonetheless) when one alices, one strives to taste and drink deeply from the well of life.

Stop staring at the screen with that mug on....


Ok, really, I just like to be weird and do weird things. I also write. Nonsense. And then I film it.